Dr. Lisa Keen

B. Kin, N.D. (she/her)

Naturopathic Doctor | In-person & Virtual Appointments

Dr. Lisa Keen is a licensed, Calgary-based Naturopathic Doctor. She has been practicing Naturopathic Medicine for over 13 years in the heart of the Canadian Rockies, and loves sharing the healing journey with her patients. 

Dr. Lisa’s practice has really shifted over the past few years with the current mental health crisis and rise in stress-related illnesses. Her approach to health, grounded in mind body medicine, enables her to delve deeper into resolving the underlying causes of your health concerns and identify the root. She employs a diverse range of tools from her healing toolbox, from tried-and-true methods to innovative approaches. Her strategies have been honed over years of experience and her lifelong thirst for knowledge. She is always researching and learning new ways to empower her patients to live their best lives.

Dr. Lisa wants to change the perspective and conversation to see symptoms as a solution and illness as a message, not an enemy.

Life can be hard but wellness doesn’t have to be. Make it a bit easier by implementing realistic, do-able, achievable health strategies — ones designed just for you. 

  • Adults | Adolescents (12+) | Children (0+)

    Healthcare Professionals | Public Safety Personnel


  • Clinical Nutrition

    Botanical Medicine

    Mora Therapy | Biofeedback

    Mindfulness and Meditation

    Bowen Therapy | Boga Therapy


    NeuroSomatic Release

    HeartMath®️ - Heart Rate Variability

  • Anxiety


    Compassion Fatigue

    Digestive Issues / Food Sensitivities / Leaky Gut

    Mind Body Medicine


    Stress Management / Hormone Balancing

  • English